France - Western Europe
Food & Beverage Management and Marketing

BSB - Burgundy School of Business MS CIVS - Commerce International des Vins et Spiritueux

JéRôME GALLODirector of the School of Wine & Spirits Business of BSB - Burgundy School of Business

The creation of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce in Dijon in 1899 was motivated notably by the objective of developing commercial training courses to help promote Burgundy wines outside our borders. This ambition was reinforced by the creation of the Specialised Masters in International Trade in Wines and Spirits, which over the years has become an emblematic programme of Burgundy School of Business's expertise in wine management training

Today, with 30 years of experience and more than 700 graduates, the programme is a driving force behind the School of Wine & Spirits Business, an entity that brings together the group's teaching and intellectual production activities, created in 2013.

The Specialised Masters in International Trade in Wines and Spirits is available in two formats (full time and part time) and is offered by the School of Wine & Spirits Business. The master's main mission is to train international managers of wines and spirits.

The originality and the success of this training are based on the development of a double technical and marketing skills perfectly in tune with the specificities and needs of the wine industry. The teaching team consists of the permanent professors of the Burgundy School of Business (notably those of the School of Wine & Spirits Business), professors of the Jules Guyot Institute (University of Burgundy), and mostly by professional experts. Moreover, a total of 5 weeks of study tours allow a confrontation on the ground and promote the development of the knowledge of all actors in the field.

In a demanding selection context, the variety of profiles recruited ensures the quality and the richness of the exchanges in each promotion. 75% of the participants have significant professional experience. The strong involvement of the network of graduates, concerned to carry and transmit their common academic and professional heritage, numerous study tours and the great participation of professionals are all opportunities to prepare for entering the professional environment of wine and spirits.