France - Western Europe
Innovation Awards

ESC Clermont with ESLSCA Business School Paris MSc Purchasing & Supply Chain Management

YVON DOUKHANProgram Director of ESC Clermont with ESLSCA Business School Paris

The COVID crisis has highlighted the crucial importance of Purchasing & Supply Chain Management and its related challenges: unavailability of manpower, shutdown of production facilities, unsuitable inventory management policies, remote sourcing, transportation shortages, etc.

New collaborative and durable approaches have emerged amongst the various actors of the Supply Chain, enabling us to learn from the difficulties encountered. 2021 delivered a promising recovery of the global economy, endangered by rising inflation risks and shortages in a number of key raw materials.

The first months of 2022 considerably weakened this fragile perspective since the war in Ukraine.
Sourcing, risk management and a need for anticipation have paved the way for flexible solutions.

It is in this context that the future Purchasing and Supply Chain Managers will deploy their talent through rationalisation and transformation projects.



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